FA Magazine January/February 2024 | Page 21

Susan Theder

Showing Off Your Emotional Intelligence

The right website design tells people you have “ EQ .”


CCORDING TO PERSHING ADVISOR SOLUTIONS , OVER 60 % of investors believe that most financial advisors make the same promises . That means it ’ s hard for would-be clients to tell the differences among them . And that ’ s a big deal , especially since differentiation is critical to attracting clients . So what can you do to stand out to your target market ? One of my favorite answers to this question is that you can showcase your emotional intelligence on your website — demonstrate that you understand the motivations driving your prospects and show how you can solve their problems .
This is a complex process , so to guide you I ’ ve outlined my top five tips for elevating your website and highlighting your EQ .
1 . Define A Tone For Your Brand
Have you ever been to a company ’ s website and immediately formed an opinion about the brand ’ s personality ? That ’ s not by accident . Websites are designed in a way to evoke a specific feeling .
Knowing that , how would you want a prospective client to feel when engaging with your brand ? Most advisors say they want visitors to feel calm , secure , relaxed , etc . That ’ s an effective approach because finances can be stressful ; by providing an opposite emotion , you position yourself as a solution .
But if you want to stand out , you have to make it more personal . Should you make the mood friendly and approachable ? Or professional and precise ? Your decision often comes down to the type of client you want to attract .
How would you want a prospective client to feel when engaging with your brand ? Most advisors say they want visitors to feel calm , secure and relaxed .
2 . Use The Right Words
It ' s important to highlight your services and credentials , but at the end of the day , prospects who visit your site are forming an impression about your brand ’ s personality and the values of your firm , and then deciding whether they want to learn more . Remember , we are all humans first , and although visitors may read about your unique financial planning process , if the “ feeling ” they get from your site doesn ’ t resonate , they ’ re unlikely to want to meet and get to know you .
To demonstrate your emotional intelligence , it ’ s important you use the right language when discussing your services . To do this , focus on the emotional outcomes your prospective clients are seeking . For example , instead of saying , “ We help clients save for retirement ,” you could say , “ We help clients live a retirement where their choices aren ’ t dictated by money .”
The second option speaks to what each of us really wants : to not worry about money when we retire ( something more resonant than a discussion about saving ). As you examine your website , look for places where you have described what you do and how . Do these “ hows ” and “ whats ” allow a client to feel something ? If not , edit them so they do . You will differentiate yourself in a powerful way .
3 . Don ’ t Ignore Color Theory Colors often represent how we feel about things . Every color has its own