Wealth Management
53 Alternatives Move Into The Spotlight the asset class is proving its mettle , and advisors can now go well beyond the mutual fund / etf approach as new platforms emerge . By David Sterman
Using Your Assets To Borrow securities-based lines of credit are a low-cost , tax-efficient tool for clients who might need short-term cash . By Dan Sullivan
ESG … What ’ s The Real Impact ? the price americans are paying at the pump has some wondering if esg is to blame . By Haleh Moddasser
Portfolio sPotlight
61 Top Of The Charts the Brandywineglobal
high yield fund has been a five-year top performer . By Jeff Schlegel
retirement Planning
64 Rethinking The 4 % Rule is Bill Bengen ’ s famous rule for safe withdrawal rates still relevant ? People disagree . By Ben Mattlin
Why Advisors Struggle With Their Own Retirement there are three key reasons advisors have problems letting go . By Robert Laura
Parting shot
72 Ranking The Heavyweights look closely , and you can see what separates the largest firms from the smallest . By Philip Palaveev
I & WI ® , CFP ® and CFFP ® CE credit exams are on page 68 .
CE exams are online at fa-mag . com / education .
2 | financial advisor magazine | july / august 2022 www . fa-mag . com