FA Magazine July/August 2024 | Page 23

Susan Theder

Top 5 Marketing Trends Of 2024

Some new ideas stand the test of time and help you better reach your target audience .


HE BIGGEST CHALLENGE WHEN YOU ’ RE CONSIDERING ANY trend , even those in marketing , is predicting which ones will really pay off and which ones are fads . The same goes for trends in the financial advisory space . By tapping into a useful marketing trend , you can get an edge over your competitors and open the door to new strategies for growing your business , brand , and reputation .
But how will you know which strategy is going to eventually fall flat ?
I ’ ve tried to solve that problem by filtering and winnowing down five of the top trends I believe are worth the investment . I ’ ve tried to filter out those trends that will eventually turn out to be transitory and find those whose use speaks to broader long-lasting trends in financial advice . Let ’ s jump in with a few things you can do that I believe will help .
When the content on your page gives the reader good information , so good they stay on it without linking out , we call that “ zero-click ” content .
1 . Implement a ‘ Zero-Click ’ Social Strategy
When the content on your page gives the reader good information , so good they stay on it without linking out , we call that “ zero-click ” content . For example , instead of posting a link on X or Facebook that says , “ Check out our latest blog ,” you could write a post that summarized the blog ’ s key points — an executive summary , perhaps — and then add the link to your website for those who want to read more .
This trend arose largely because of the algorithms on many of the most popular social media channels . These platforms want to prioritize the content that keeps people on their sites . Obviously , that way they can benefit from advertising and user engagement . It ’ s fundamental to their business , meaning this way of doing business is likely to continue .
You might be wondering when developing your own content : Isn ’ t the goal to drive traffic to my website , where I have more control over the content and can capture leads , instead of to some other social media site ? Yes , your own website ’ s traffic remains important , but if you put zero-click content on the social media platforms as well , it can be a powerful tool in your media strategy . Here ’ s why :
• You get increased visibility : By creating valuable content directly on social media platforms , you increase the chances of your content being seen by a wider audience . The platform ’ s algorithm is more likely to promote your post if it keeps users engaged , expanding your reach beyond your existing followers .
• You capture attention : Let ’ s face it , attention spans are short online . Your zero-click content offers users valuable , bite-sized information that grabs their attention and keeps them engaged on the platform . The concise format can pique their interest and encourage them to learn more , leading them to click through to your website for a deeper dive .
• You build trust and credibility : By consistently providing valuable content directly on social media , you establish yourself as a thought leader and build trust with your audience . They ’ ll see you as a reliable source of information , which