FA Magazine July/August 2024 | Page 65

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From “ The Whole Philanthropic Picture ,” page 23
1 . Of the 74 % of wealthy investors who give , ___ have received formal guidance from their advisor . A . 73 % B . 62 % C . 27 % D . 48 %
2 . Philanthropy aids holistic wealth management , so advisors should ____. A . More often start philanthropic talks with clients B . Outsource these topics to specialists C . Dedicate time to connecting with expert voices D . None of the above From “ The Risk Score Isn ’ t Everything ,” page 45 3 . Relying too much on a risk score is dangerous because it : A . Produces customized portfolios B . Is time consuming for the advisor and client C . Steers clients with different needs into the same portfolios D . Underestimates client longevity
4 . Open-architecture portfolio optimization engines help because they : A . Require advisors to rebalance to static allocations B . Require rebalancing monthly C . Allow advisors to reoptimize with changing markets D . Require an advisor to change their fee schedule From “ The ‘ Secret Sauce ’ For Helping The Ultra-Wealthy ,” page 47 5 . ___% of new hires who serve the ultra-wealthy come with lending as part of the portfolio . A . 75 % C . 95 % B . 85 % D . 100 %
6 . Dakota Wealth is attracting the ultra-wealthy by ________. A . Acquiring firms whose capabilities can thread through other offices B . Outsourcing investments to spend more time with clients C . Keeping mature advisors front and center as team leaders D . Prioritizing in-person interaction over technology
From “ Preventing Second Home Dreams From Becoming A Nightmare ,” page 54
7 . Between 2023 and 2021 , the number of mortgages for a second home did what ? A . Fell 65 % C . Fell 40 % B . Rose 65 % D . Rose 40 %
8 . All these things but one are benefits of owning a second home : A . The ability to shed an old identity B . The possibility of rising property values C . The possibility of rental income D . The memories From “ A Crucial Window For Estate Planning ,” page 56 9 . The higher lifetime estate and tax exemption expires on : A . April 15 , 2025 B . April 15 , 2026 C . December 31 , 2025 D . January 1 , 2026
10 . The current TCJA exemptions can help taxpayers : A . With estates at or above $ 10 million B . With estates at or above $ 20 million C . Who are retirees with at least $ 250,000 in assets D . Who are billionaires with highly appreciated businesses

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Financial Advisor ( ISSN 1545-0163 , USPS 021-488 ) is published monthly by Charter Financial Publishing Network Inc ., 149 Avenue at the Common , Shrewsbury , NJ 07702 . Periodicals postage paid at Red Bank , NJ and additional mailing offices . Subscription Rates : $ 79 per year . Postmaster : Send all address changes to Charter Financial Publishing Network Inc ., P . O . Box 7550 , Shrewsbury , NJ 07702 . Copyright 2024 by Charter Financial Publishing Network Inc . Reproduction , photocopying or incorporation into any information-retrieval system for external or internal use is prohibited unless permission is obtained beforehand from the publisher in each case for a specific article . The subscription fee entitles the subscriber to one original copy only . Unauthorized copying is considered theft . July / August 2024 Financial Advisor ( Volume 25 , Number 6 )