Susan Theder
Top 5 Tips For Sharing News Articles On Social Media
Here are a few rules to follow if you want to capture eyes , get clicks and start conversations about your favorite news sources .
HERE ’ S NO MORE POWERFUL MESSAGE THAN ORIGINAL , insightful content written by a financial advisor . As a financial professional , you can serve as a guide and mentor , interpreting and explaining the ups and downs of market events , helping clients set financial goals , and explaining retirement strategies , among other things .
However , not every advisor has the time , resources or desire to write carefully crafted , information-dense content . That ’ s when it helps them to supplement their original content by sharing articles written by other reputable sources . When you share the right content , especially news stories , it greatly complements your outreach strategy overall .
With that in mind , here are a few dos and don ’ ts when it comes to sharing news articles on social media . 1 . Pick The Right Stories Your clients and prospects have strong preferences about their news sources . Make sure you are sharing from a publication and reporter who isn ’ t a lightning rod for controversy . Also , don ’ t share an article unless you are genuinely interested in the topic . Remember that you ’ re sharing this because it ’ s of interest to your network . Ask yourself : What about it made you want to share it ? You don ’ t have to limit yourself to financial topics and publications . You might share sports stories , human interest stories or features about hobbies . More often than not , the articles that perform best are those from your local news outlets .
When you share the right content , especially news stories , it greatly complements your outreach strategy overall .
2 . Share Your Opinion
Few people will read a full article , even about a topic they ’ re interested in . Your network likely wants to know why you are sharing it . So answer that question when you are posting , and then provide a few bullet points that include your key takeaways from the article . You can then get a conversation started by asking a question or two to promote comments and opinions . The more engagement your post gets , the more people will see it . ( The social media platforms like this too . They want to keep you on their sites rather than have you clicking a link that sends you off to consume content elsewhere .) 3 . Summarize The Article Never just share the link with a “ check this out ” caption . Take the time to not only share your opinion and key takeaways , but provide a high-level summary of the article using bullets and even emojis to add some personality and visual elements . Don ’ t think of your goal as getting people to read the article . Your goal is to show interest in a topic , explain why you share the pieces , offer your opinion , and provide valuable information to your target audience . 4 . Consider Your Clients Before you post anything , think of three clients . Better yet , pick three who have almost nothing in common ( the more unlike they are , the better ). What would each of them think about