Susan Theder
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“ your content is timely , so your research must be as recent as your customers ’ concerns . That ’ s also good for your prospects , because timely research demonstrates your expertise and awareness to them and improves the chances they contact you .
4 . Use Imagery To Support Your Copy
You can get your points across with good copy , but it ’ s not the only way to share messages . Images can be used to share data , describe concepts and break apart your text , effectively improving your engagement with clients .
In fact , research shows that content with images receives up to 40 % more shares than imageless counterparts .
Since humans can interpret images faster than they can a large wall of text , pictures are able to instantly communicate messages the text can ’ t . That means readers can more easily skim the articles , which have become more engaging to them .
Besides offering graphs and data , images can add levity to messages , especially in emails and social posts . And visuals help strengthen your brand .
5 . Prioritize Active Voice
When you use active voice , it makes your writing more engaging and clearer , which are essential qualities in client communication and marketing as a whole .
Compare these two sentences , for example :
• Your marketing will be handled by us .
• We ’ ll handle your marketing .
Both say the same thing , but the second sentence is easier to read . It ’ s more direct ; in fact , it ’ s shorter . And it ’ s written in the active voice .
That doesn ’ t mean a passive voice can ’ t work its way into your writing . Just aim for an active voice as often as possible .
Next time you ’ re writing an email , a blog or a social post , consider these five golden rules to write faster without compromising the quality of your communications .
SUSAN THEDER is the chief marketing and experience officer at FMG Suite .