Mitch Anthony
Mitch Anthony
fa-mag . com / bookstore
• What did you learn about money when you were growing up ?
• What are some memorable incidents involving money that impacted your life when you were growing up ?
• What were your first experiences earning money ?
• What are the important lessons you have learned about earning money ?
• Tell me about your financial journey ( highlights , lowlights and reflections ).
• What are the best money decisions you have made ?
• Tell me about some mistakes you made along the way .
• What have you learned about the liberties and limitations of money ( what money can and cannot do )?
• What is the lasting legacy you want to leave regarding work and money ?
You will be amazed to read your clients ’ responses when you ask them to recall an incident involving money that impacted their lives when they were growing up . One client wrote that money was really tight in the small Texas town where he grew up . His mother controlled the money in their household and gave her husband an allowance every week that amounted to enough to play nine holes of golf on the municipal course and buy a week ’ s worth of chewing tobacco . This client , at age 11 , caddied to earn money . One day he carried double bags for two rounds and made more in that one day than his father made in a week . He realized immediately that he had more control over his life than his father did .
We believe the richest legacies your clients can leave are the stories that helped shape their lives . Their personal novels are eminently more interesting , dramatic , and relevant to their loved ones than any fiction selection on the New York Times Best Seller list . We simply need to do a better job capturing and transferring these stories .
MITCH ANTHONY is the creator of Life-Centered Planning , the author of 12 books for advisors , and the co-founder of ROLadvisor . com and LifeCentered- Planners . com .