Susan Theder
Linking Up On LinkedIn
How to create LinkedIn content that your prospects ( and the algorithm ) will love .
OST FINANCIAL ADVISORS I SPEAK WITH ARE either seeing fantastic results from social media — or none at all .
Those seeing none might start to believe it isn ’ t an effective marketing tool . But that ’ s far from the truth . In fact , advisors who participated in a 2019 Putnam Investments study said they received an average AUM of $ 4.9 million from social media initiatives .
So what should advisors like you do to see social media success ? The key is to establish an effective content strategy , one that attracts prospects and grows your following .
Here I will outline five proven ways you can create an effective content strategy for social media . And though many of these tips could transfer to other platforms , they are specifically designed for LinkedIn .
Why LinkedIn ? According to HubSpot , the platform is 277 % more effective at generating leads than other social media platforms . So if growing your business through this medium is your goal , then read on .
1 . Start With An Optimized Profile
Your profile will act as the foundation of your brand on social media . Before you start posting , you ’ ll want to ensure your profile is optimized . Here ’ s how you can do just that :
• Provide high-quality images : Your personal profile should contain a
Why LinkedIn ? According to HubSpot , the platform is 277 % more effective at generating leads than other social media platforms . high-resolution , branded banner and profile picture . Your profile picture should be well-lit , professional , and friendly .
• Optimize your headline : Beneath your profile pictures is your headline . This should be clear and concise by answering the following : Who do you help , how do you help them , and what makes your services different ?
• Tell a story with your profile : Your “ about ” section should not just repeat your experience , which is already shown on your profile . Tell a story here instead , showing how your experience , goals and brand come together .
2 . Share The Right Content Seeing results from LinkedIn requires a content strategy , which includes understanding what types of content do and do not work .
As a bottom line , the content you share needs to be valuable to readers . If it is not , then they will not engage .
The content you share also does not need to always be original . Yes , it is good to share your blog posts , but you can also reshare content from other users by offering an alternative opinion .
Here are some of the most effective forms of content for attracting prospects on LinkedIn :
• Original content : These are your blogs , podcast episodes , videos , polls , quotes or graphics — all the material you or your team has created .