FA Magazine May 2024 | Page 23

can also claim and optimize your Google Business listing . This is what appears for a business on the right side of a Google search and typically displays reviews , links and other information about a business . Claiming this page and filling out all the relevant information can help improve your appearance in searches .
2 . Set Up Analytics
Besides the Google Business page , there are two other free Google tools that can significantly boost your searches over time : Google Analytics and Google Search Console .
Google Analytics : This tool allows you to see what visitors do once they land on your website . How long do they stay ? What pages do they visit ? As you can imagine , this data is invaluable for understanding your audience and optimizing your website for a better user experience . To set up Google Analytics , go to https :// marketingplatform . google . com / about / analytics / and click “ Get started today .”
Google Search Console : This works hand-in-hand with Google Analytics . It allows you to see the actual search queries people have used to find your website . This helps you understand what key words are working well and where you might have opportunities to improve . Signing up for Google Search Console is just as easy . Visit https :// search . google . com / search-console / about and follow the steps to get started .
3 . Select The Right Key Words
When people look for financial advisors , they ’ re usually looking for someone who understands their specific needs . That means your content should include key words and topics so you can showcase your expertise and attract your ideal clientele .
So what are those important words and phrases ? Here are some steps to take to identify them as you configure your page :
Brainstorm Seed Key Words : Think about the services you offer , evergreen financial topics ( things people are always interested in , like retirement planning or budgeting ), and your niche ( a specific
Besides the Google Business page , there are two other free Google tools that can significantly boost your searches over time : Google Analytics and Google Search Console .
area of focus , like financial planning for millennials ). In these cases , some of your seed key words could be things like “ retirement planning tips ” or “ student loan debt management .”
Use Long-Tail Key Words : Instead of competing for broad , high-volume key words like “ financial advisor ,” you should instead focus on “ long-tail ” key words — phrases with three or more words for more specific searches . Why ? Because they have lower search volume and much less competition . This means you have a higher chance of ranking well in search results and attracting targeted website traffic .
Here are some examples of long-tail key words for a financial advisor :
• “ Tax planning strategies for small business owners ”;
• “ How to save for a down payment on a house in San Diego ”; and
• “ Financial advisor specializing in student loan debt management .”
Long-tail key words are like laser beams , attracting those relevant website visitors who are actively searching for the specific services you offer .
Pro Tip : There are both free and paid key-word research tools available online . These tools can help you discover long-tail key word variations and even estimate their search volume and competition level . I would recommend using free tools to start .
4 . Create Content That Has An Impact
Now that you have your list of phrases , it ’ s time to create content that attracts your ideal clients . Think of your content as something that will establish you as a financial expert while you ’ re also using the key words to improve your search ranking . Here are some steps to get you started : 1 . Research Top-Ranking Content : Before diving in , look at what ’ s already ranking well for your chosen key words . Use Google to search for those phrases and see what kind of content appears on the first page .
Analyze the format : Are they mostly blog posts , infographics or videos ? Understanding the preferred format can help you tailor your content for better user engagement .
Look for content gaps : Are there specific aspects of the topic you cover that