FA Magazine May 2024 | Page 24

Susan Theder
Susan Theder
have not been thoroughly discussed ? If so , this can be your opportunity to shine ! To stand out , you ’ ll want to craft content that offers a unique perspective or dives deeper into these areas . After all , Google wants your content to be valuable .
2 . Craft Content Users Crave : People searching online are looking for solutions and information . Here are some tips to create content that resonates with your audience :
Focus on value : Provide actionable advice , insightful strategies and clear explanations of complex financial topics .
Write in an engaging style : Avoid heavy financial jargon . Use clear language , storytelling elements and bullet points to break down information for easy understanding .
Optimize for readability : Use subheadings , shorter paragraphs , bullets and visuals to make your content easy to scan and digest .
3 . Related Searches : You ’ ll want to create content that can also appear in the “ Related Searches ” sections of Google , or under the heading “ People Also Ask .” These page sections are gold mines for content ideas . They reveal additional questions users have about your chosen topic and related key words . Integrate these questions and key words naturally into your content to make it even more comprehensive and relevant .
For example , let ’ s say your key word phrase is “ How to save for a down payment on a house in San Diego .” When you do research , you find that the top-ranking content for such questions mostly comes in the forms of blog posts with lists and infographics . You could create a blog post titled “ The Ultimate Guide to Saving for a Down Payment in San Diego ” and address the common questions from the “ People Also Ask ” section , such as “ How much should I save for closing costs ?” or “ What types of government assistance programs are available ?”
5 . The Power Of Back Links : Getting Others To Notice Your Expertise
High-quality content is like a magnet , but sometimes it needs a little extra boost to attract visitors . In the world of searches , that boost comes from “ back links ”— the links from other websites that point back to yours . Think of them as endorsements from trusted sources , telling search engines ( and potential clients ) that your content is valuable .
So how do you encourage others to link to your awesome content ?
Create link-worthy content : People are more likely to link to insightful information and perspectives . So you should make sure your content stands out .
Network with influencers : You should build relationships with bloggers , journalists and other professionals in your target niche . They might be interested in featuring your expertise or linking to your content in their own work .
Offer to share : Offer to share your articles with other relevant websites . Everyone is always looking to share great new content . This allows you to share your knowledge , reach a wider audience and secure valuable back links .
Pro Tip : You ’ ll want to avoid exchanging links or providing a back link in return for a product or service . These practices are against Google ’ s spam policies and can be harmful to your website ’ s search engine results . Links should come from an organic exchange of information — not from a trade meant to intentionally dupe Google ’ s algorithm .
Remember , link-building is a longterm strategy . By consistently creating high-quality content and sharing it with those in your target markets , you ’ ll attract back links naturally and see your website ’ s search power grow over time .
Wrapping Up
Your results will require an investment of time and effort — even if you hire an SEO consultant — but this can be one of the most effective marketing strategies to drive organic growth . I hope this list serves as a foundation on which you can build and begin to see results !
SUSAN THEDER is the chief marketing and experience officer at FMG Suite .